Engineering risk management

The engineering sector faces complex technical challenges and critical operational risks. Our specialist insurance solutions provide comprehensive protection to ensure the success of your projects, from conception to final execution.

Specialists in Engineering Insurance: Tailored Solutions for Your Peace of Mind

Our commitment to engineering excellence is reflected in our specialised service. We have a team of dedicated consultants who provide tailored insurance solutions to ensure the feasibility and success of your projects.

With extensive industry experience, we have insured engineering projects across multiple disciplines on a global scale. Our expert knowledge enables us to deliver customised solutions that meet the technical and operational requirements of each client.

Trust our expertise to safeguard your engineering projects with precision and reliability.

Essential coverage of the insurance plan for the engineering sector

We design comprehensive insurance programmes that cover all stages of engineering projects, from planning and design to implementation and operation.Typical insurances for this sector include the following (*).

All Risks Construction Insurance and Advance Loss of Profits (ALOP) Insurance

All Risks Insurance Assembly

Professional Liability Insurance

Machinery Breakdown Insurance

Electronic Equipment Insurance

Completed Civil Works Insurance

(*) The information contained in this page is for information purposes only and does not constitute a binding offer. The definitive terms and conditions of any insurance coverage are detailed exclusively in the specific policy issued. In case of discrepancies, the conditions stipulated in the specific policy shall prevail.


Ensures the security of your business

Don't leave the protection of your business to chance. Trust PIB Group Iberia to provide you with the peace of mind and security you need to achieve your business goals.