This is a list of the most frequently asked questions that our clients usually ask us when contracting their pet insurance with us.
If I need to go to a veterinarian, can I go to my regular one or do I have to go to one designated by the company?
If you go to one of our list of recommended centers we will pay 100% of the expenses and if you go to one outside the list we will pay 80%. However, if you tell us which is your trusted veterinarian, we will include it in the list.
What is the difference between the Veterinary Assistance and Surgical Intervention coverages?
The Veterinary Assistance coverage covers all veterinary expenses arising from illness or accident (visits, diagnostic tests, surgical interventions) while the Surgical Intervention coverage covers veterinary expenses arising from a surgical intervention, whether due to accident or illness.
Will the price of my insurance go up every year?
In the case of a dog or a bitch, there is only a price increase when the animal turns 3 years old and when it turns 6 years old. In the case of cats, the price remains stable throughout the animal’s life.
What happens if another animal bites my pet?
If another animal bites your pet, it is considered an accident, so the resulting veterinary expenses are covered by the veterinary accident assistance. If it is your pet that has bitten another animal or a person, the claim for this reason is covered by the civil liability coverage.
Are vaccinations covered? If you have contracted Veterinary Assistance coverage, we will cover veterinary expenses arising from an illness or accident suffered by your pet. Vaccination as well as voluntary or preventive visits in general are not covered.
Are there diseases excluded from coverage?
Yes, some diseases are excluded and therefore not covered. Leishmaniasis, dirofilariasis, parvovirosis, hip or elbow dysplasia, hemivertebra, congenital patellar luxation, entropion and ectropion, distichiasis, bilateral encantis, monorchidism and cryptorchidism, elongation of the palate, non-traumatic umbilical hernias, opening of nostrils, congenital diseases, diseases or defects or malformations pre-existing at the time of taking out the insurance, poisoning or insect bites.
Is the damage my pet may cause if it causes a traffic accident covered?
Damage to property or personal injury caused to third parties is covered by the liability coverage.