Life insurance: the best protection for your family
At PIB Group Iberia we are aware that family is the most important thing. That is why we want to help you protect it in case of any unforeseen event with the best life insurance to protect your family.
What is life insurance?
A life insurance policy is a contract whereby the insurance company undertakes to pay a capital sum to the designated beneficiaries in the event of the insured’s death.
Why buy the best life insurance to protect your family?
There are many reasons why taking out life insurance is a smart decision:
Protect your family financially:
Example: Imagine you have an outstanding mortgage. If you were to pass away, your family would be in the difficult situation of having to meet this expense without your income. The best life insurance to protect your family would provide them with the capital necessary to pay the mortgage and avoid losing their home.
Calculation: According to the INE, the average mortgage in Spain is €140,000. A life insurance with a capital of €150,000 would ensure that your family can cover this expense and maintain their home.
Peace of mind and security:
Example: Knowing that your family will be protected in case something happens to you will give you great peace of mind and allow you to enjoy life without worries.
Testimonial: “Since I took out the best life insurance to protect my family with Engloba, I sleep much more peacefully. I know that my family will be fine if something happens to me.” – Olga Guardiola, client of Engloba Insurance Brokerage.
Widow’s or widower’s pension supplement:
Example: The widow’s pension in Spain is €854 per month (in 2023). This amount may not be enough to cover the needs of the family, especially if there are dependent children. The best life insurance to protect your family can be a very important complement to ensure the financial well-being of your family.
Calculation: According to an OCU study, 60% of widowed families with children see their income reduced by more than 30% after the death of their spouse. Life insurance can help cover this difference and prevent the family from having to dip into their savings or get into debt.
How to choose the best life insurance to protect your family?
When choosing a life insurance policy, it is important to consider:
- Your family’s needs: What are the expenses your family would have to face in the event of your death?
- Your budget: How much insurance premium can you afford?
- The coverage offered by the insurance: What type of coverage do you need (death from any cause, accident, serious illness, etc.)?
- The insurance company: Choose a solvent and experienced insurance company.
At PIB Group Iberia we will help you choose the best life insurance to protect your family that best suits your needs and we will offer you the best conditions in the market.
And if you want more information call us or visit us at any of our offices and we will give you the best personalized advice for you in everything related to your life insurance.