PIB Group’s Iberia Hub is created and these are its members

PIB Group announces the creation of its Iberia Hub, whose mission is to provide service and support to Spain and Portugal. Martín Navaz is responsible for leading this project and has for this purpose different professionals in transversal areas to establish the lines of action, guidelines and common strategies.



Its constituent members are as follows:

  • Finance: Gerard Montes – Chief Financial Officer. He joined PIB in September 2022. He has led the financial area of companies such as NextLink Group and Mobile World Capital Barcelona.
  • Human Resources: Inma Portero – People & Communication Director. After his experience as HR Director at Titan and GPO Ingeniería, he joined the group in February 2023.
  • Legal & Compliance: Marisa Fernández -Chief Legal & Compliance. He worked at VidaCaixa and Cofidis as Head of Legal Department before joining PIB in October 2023.
  • IT: Patricio Ilyef – Chief Information Officer. He is the latest addition to HUB Iberia, last March, after his last experience as CIO at DAS Spain.
  • Integration: Karo Mleczak – Integration Manager. He has previous experience in Airbnb developing positions of responsibility within the Operations area. He joined the project in July 2023.

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